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ADH is produced by the anterior pituitary and increases the reabsorption of water by the kidneys. It's secretion is suppressed by diuretics such as alcohol and caffeine. Witch of the following would be exhibited in someone after excessive alcohol?

3 years ago

Answered By Emily D

Hi Brooklyn, this is one of those bio questions that secretly answers itself if you read it backward:

What would be exhibited in someone after consuming excessive alcohol? ADH secretion is suppressed by diuretics such as alcohol and caffeine. It's produced by the anterior pituitary and increases reabsorption of water by the kidneys.

So let's elaborate on this more (since whatever options you were given for this multiple choice are missing from your question). For reference or in case you want to follow along with your textbook, you can find this in Chapter 18, Unit 3.



- mediates insertion of aquaporins into nephron collecting duct cells (causes direct water reabsorption from the kidney tubules into the blood)

- increases salt and waste concentration in urine (by reducing the water content via reabsorption)

- regulates blood volume by increasing the amount of water in the blood, which decreases blood viscosity (via kidney reabsorption)

- causes arteries to constrict (vasoconstriction)


So conversely a lack of ADH:

- reduce water reabsorption by the kidneys

- increase water content in urine, which decreases salt and waste concentration

- reduces blood volume through loss of water from the blood in the kidneys (which increases blood viscosity)

- stops artery constriction (doesn't cause vasodilation but won't prevent it from happening anymore)


What does this mean for someone who's drinking a lot of alcohol?

Well, they're going to have to pee more frequently and that pee will mostly be water, which means they're going to become dehydrated. Their blood pressure may increase from the increased blood viscosity, and they might find their faces a little flushed because one of the hormones controlling vasoconstriction has been turned off.

Hope this helps!