Cochlear implants and hearing aids can be very expensive. In Alberta, the cost of cochlear implants and surgery are covered by Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP). Hearing aids are not covered by AHCIP. Should hearing aids be covered by the government?
To answer this question, select one of the following viewpoints: societal or ethical. Decide whether you are in support of or against public health care coverage of hearing aids. Ensure you have solid reasoning that is backed up with research, not just an opinion. Provide the URL of any websites you have used for research.(3 marks = 2 marks for the viewpoint and reasoning + 1 mark for citing source(s))
if you are able to help me with this question, that'd be awesome.. i have tried to find it online but nothing came up
7 years ago
Answered By David H
A societal viewpoint might be a reason why hearing is important to function in society, while an ethical viewpoint might be that hearing is a fundamental human right. I would look for organizations that support people who are hard of hearing, or court cases where people were denied their rights, like employment, because they are hard of hearing.