Explain the differences between the actions of acetylcholine and serotonin on the membranes of neurons?
This is a reivew of signal transmisson between neurons.... Not sure what to write for this. Please help me out, thank you so much. Have a goodnight :)
6 years ago
Answered By Harrison V
1. Acetylcholine does not penetrate lipid cell membranes because it is highly polar, but it can can bind to and activate ion-channels in the membranes of muscle cells. These channels allow through calcium ions.
2. When serotonin binds to a channel, it allows positively charged ions to flow through, such as sodium, potassium, or calcium.
6 years ago
Answered By Harrison V
1. Acetylcholine does not penetrate lipid cell membranes because it is highly polar, but it can can bind to and activate ion-channels in the membranes of muscle cells. These channels allow through calcium ions.
2. When serotonin binds to a channel, it allows positively charged ions to flow through, such as sodium, potassium, or calcium.