For each of the following arguments, explain whether correct reasoning is used.a.) Hanoch is rich because he doesn't pay taxes and he doesn't pay taxes because he is rich.b.) All mammals have a backbone and species A has a backbone, so it must be a mammal.c.) All mammals are warm blooded and species A is a mammal so species A is warm blooded.d.) Peter said an election will be called this spring, but he is a liar so there will be no election.
5 years ago
Answered By Hamza S
The correct answer is C)
Reason : All Mammals are warm blooded so any species which belongs to Mammal will be warm blooded.
5 years ago
Answered By Ruqayah D
Reason: since all mammals are warm blooded as stated, specie a will definitely be warm blooded as a mammal too.
5 years ago
Answered By Emily D
Hanoch is rich because he doesn't pay taxes and he doesn't pay taxes because he is rich
- this implies that the relationship works backwards and forwards (no taxes => rich | rich => no taxes), but we know rich people are supposed to pay taxes, so this relationship isn't quite accurate
All mammals have a backbone and species A has a backbone, so it must be a mammal
- mammals are a subset of animals with backbones, so there are animals that have backbones that aren't mammals; the species could be outside the mammal subset and still have a backbone
All mammals are warm blooded and species A is a mammal so species A is warm blooded
- mammals are a subset of warmblooded animals, so if species A fits within mammals, it fits within warm blooded animals, too
Peter said an election will be called this spring, but he is a liar so there will be no election
- Peter's honesty and an election are not related events; if he's lying, the election could be in summer, winter, or fall still