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I am working on an essay that addresses the following essentail question:  How does an individual's perspective of and response to crisis define him or her?  I am struggling with my transition sentences to support my thesis. I have to address:focus here is on analyzing and comparing the effectiveness of the elements of theme, setting, symbols, and irony in each of the two short stories in expressing the same Essential Question.

4 years ago

Answered By Ravonna D

It is tough to help with this not knowing what your thesis actually is or knowing what the source material is that you are comparing. If I could read what you have written I might be of more help. Ravonna

4 years ago

Answered By Ryan M

I agree that we need the context of the assignment. How can we provide suggestions around transitional sentences when the article isn't known to us? As a tutor I welcome the opportunity to work with you on this. 


4 years ago

Answered By Rachel C

How does an individual's perspective of and response to crisis define him or her?- This is a good question. You'll need to consider from what perspective you are writing from. If personal, you'll need to understand personal values in order to define the individual. 

I am struggling with my transition sentences to support my thesis. I have to address:focus here is on analyzing and comparing the effectiveness of the elements of theme, setting, symbols, and irony in each of the two short stories in expressing the same Essential Question.- what are the two short stories being compared? 

4 years ago

Answered By Ranjene M

Once you know what text(s) you are using to answer this question, you'll want to highlight 3 major talking points-known as Topic Sentences. You will refer briefly to these topic sentence points within your Thesis.  These 3 Topic Sentences will become your Body Paragraphs where you will support them with related quotes from the text(s). For example; In the novel 'Catcher in the Rye' the main character's response to crisis defines him when he 1) has to leave home (response to crisis 1), 2) has to confront his roomate (response to crisis 2), and 3) has to deal with thoughts of an unknown future (response to crisis 3). Of course, in your thesis you will not write the numbers as I have-it will be one flowing sentence (keep it brief and to the point). Hope this helps!

4 years ago

Answered By Gagan D

Every individual has a depth to their character and different perspective and reaction to particular circumstances.

It will be easier to answer once you provide more information about the thesis.