f(x) x=7
Posted 6 years ago by in Math 20-2 | 0 answers
#quadratic functions
determine the number of sides in a regular polygon if each interior angle measures to 160
Posted 6 years ago by shaistaikhan in Math 20-2 | 3 answers
#angle properties in triangles and other polygons
a school playground covers an area of 14 000 m2
a.) express this radical as a mixed radical in simplest form, for your first step express the radicand as the product of prime factors
b.) could this playground be square? explain.
Posted 5 years ago by Carias in Math 20-2 | 2 answers
#radicals #quadratic functions
the solution to nx^2+PX+Q=0 are 4 and -2/5. what information does this tell you about the graph of f(x)=nx^2+px+q?
Posted 5 years ago by npaulovich in Math 20-2 | 2 answers
#quadratic equations #quadratic functions
several methods of determining the roots of a quadratic equation were discussed in lesson 2.3. select one of the methods to determine the roots of the equation 5x^2+2x+15=4x^2+13x-15. verify the roots.
Posted 5 years ago by npaulovich in Math 20-2 | 4 answers
#quadratic equations #quadratic functions
The exact solutions to the quadratic equation 0 = 6x2 - 9x - 3 can be written in the form x=p+q√r. What is the value of p+q+r?
Posted 5 years ago by emily in Math 20-2 | 3 answers
#quadratic equations
For each of the following arguments, explain whether correct reasoning is used.a.) Hanoch is rich because he doesn't pay taxes and he doesn't pay taxes because he is rich.b.) All mammals have a backbone and species A has a backbone, so it must be a mammal.c.) All mammals are warm blooded and species A is a mammal so species A is warm blooded.d.) Peter said an election will be called this spring, but he is a liar so there will be no election.
Posted 5 years ago by npaulovich in Math 20-2 | 3 answers
#logic and geometry
prove the following conjecture.
between any two real numbers, there exists another real number
the proof may be started with "let x and y represent two different real numbers"
Posted 5 years ago by npaulovich in Math 20-2 | 1 answers
#logic and geometry #proportional reasoning
Posted 5 years ago by Joeyvink1 in Math 20-2 | 5 answers
#quadratic functions
Chef Potato's body has a cylinder in the middle and two half spheres that make up his bottom and head. He has the two dimensional shape measurements as follows: 20 cm in total length, 5 cm between the end of the cylinder and the top of the top sphere. Reduce Chef1.) Potato by a scale factor of 0.5.2.) Chef Potato needs to be converted from a two dimensional shape to a three dimensional object and then enlarged to 300% of his original size. The three dimensional chef potato is similar in shape to a capsule made of a half sphere at the top, and a half sphere at the bottom and a cylinder in between. Determine the surface area of the enlarged three dimensional chef potato and the scale factor.3.) What are possible dimensions of a box that could be used to deliver the enlarge model of chef potato to store? Justify your answer.
Posted 5 years ago by Sleez in Math 20-2 | 1 answers
#proportional reasoning