TutorTag provides free online real time tutoring in the form of a question answer format. Students can freely ask questions while they are doing their homework and have a registered tutor respond in real time.
The "tutors online" window will tell you what tutors are actively on the
tutoring board in real time. This means that the tutors are currently on
the board waiting for students to ask them questions.
If you need general help on how to use the free tutoring chat board, you can read through these frequently asked questions. If you have specific questions or need specific help, don't hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to help.
Currently, there are no limits to the amount of questions you can ask. However, keep in mind that
if you ask 100 questions it could be hard for the tutor to give you a detailed response
to each question. Try asking a detailed and specific question for what you need
an answer to.
There is no catch. The system is completely free for students to ask questions to
verified, quality tutors. The tutors provide this service to gain exposure
to their profiles and show their skills.