Ontario Free Tutoring And Homework Help For Math 12 University - Advanced Functions


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 Create your rollercoaster using DESMOS or any other graphing software. Remember 

to save your work

 It must include the following: o You must include at least one of each of the following types of functions in your model: ? 1 linear/1 quadratic  ? 1 polynomial (degree 3 or higher)  1 rational 1 sinusoidal 1 exponential 1 logarithmic  

use four out of the six above.

The x-axis is time. The ride must be completed in exactly 4.5 minutes.  The y-axis is height above the ground. Your rollercoaster must have a maximum height of 80 meters and minimum height of 5 meters above the ground. Your rollercoaster cannot go underground.   Your ride must start with a horizontal line for half a second.   

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