A basketball player had a success rate of 80% for shooting free throws. Calculate the probability she will make three out of five attempts.
Posted 8 years ago by Myuresha in Math 12 University - Data Management | 0 answers
The circumference of apples from a paticular tree us normally distributed, with an average of 22 cm and standard deviation of -1. What is the Z-score of an apple with a circumference of 25 cm?
Posted 7 years ago by anika.s in Math 12 University - Data Management | 0 answers
#z score question
express in simple combinations
Posted 7 years ago by DuggalS in Math 12 University - Data Management | 1 answers
You have chosen an five-character password for an online account. The characters can be a combination of UPPER CASE letters and lower case letters.
a) How many possible passwords can be created?
Posted 7 years ago by in Math 12 University - Data Management | 0 answers
The teacher in your classroom surveys her 30 students in an attempt to help them understand Venn Diagrams in the most complex form, when there are 3 counting options. She asks all the people wearing red shirts to stand up, 8 people stand. She asks them to sit down. Then she asks all those wearing blue pants to stand, 24 stand up. She asks them to sit. Then she asks all the people wearing black shoes to stand, and 10 stand up. She asks them to sit. While asking these questions, she notices 3 people have stood up for all questions, 4 are wearing both red shirts and blue pants, 7 are wearing both blue pants and black shoes and finally, 5 are wearing both red shirts and black shoes. Draw a 3 circle VENN diagram, label what each area represents and CALCULATE numbers for each area (show all your calculations using proper mathematical and statistical form for full marks).
Posted 6 years ago by TrentBigman in Math 12 University - Data Management | 0 answers
A child has some LEGO bricks to play with . They have 19 identically shaped bricks in these colours. 4red 6 yellow 5 white 3 blue 1green , how many different combinations of bricks can they choose to build something with if they have to use at least 1 brick
Posted 6 years ago by Brettj20 in Math 12 University - Data Management | 0 answers
a bag has 3 red tiles, 1 yellow tile and 2 green tiles
b) how does the value change if the first tile is not replaced?
Posted 6 years ago by itzsarah in Math 12 University - Data Management | 1 answers
In the game backgammon, when you roll doubles with two dice you can double the total on the dice. what is the probability of rolling doubles
Posted 5 years ago by in Math 12 University - Data Management | 1 answers
Jenna estimates that she has an 85% chance of finishing her Math homework and a 70% chance of finishing her science homework. What is the probability that she won't finish either homework?
Posted 5 years ago by in Math 12 University - Data Management | 2 answers
#probability #data management
Which of the following is required in order to draw a box & whisker plot? mean
number of data elements
Posted 4 years ago by in Math 12 University - Data Management | 0 answers
#data management