Help I have Test anxiety! And it really sucks
You walk into the room and bam! Your eyes go wonky your legs feel oddly light! You can’t decide if you’re going to faint or throw up! Your chest is tight and it’s very possible that your ribs are going to squish your hear into a very small raisin.
Test days for me consisted of crying panic attacks asking god to smite me or the devil to burn down the school! Anything that caused me to not have to go through with my day. For people without anxiety this sounds irrational and just plain nuts! And if your one of these people you are very lucky, because for the rest of us are crazy is what’s keeping us from falling apart! If you’re a parent of a child with anxiety I am going to give you a list of the top two things NOT to do because you’re making it worse.
- Pretend like Test anxiety isn’t a real thing! Because it is and it’s terrible.
- When you act like it’s not their child feels like they can’t talk to you!
- Even worse than not talking they feel like they are different weird and broken! Trust me the last thing that they need is more reason to worry.
- Act like you “understand” what it’s like when you do not!
- IF you do have anxiety then ignore me! If you don’t then saying you understand gives false hope to your child. So when they do talk to you about what they feel like and you respond confused they feel even more alone.
- It makes them feel like you pity them. And people with anxiety really don’t like feeling like they are broken or need sympathy
The best thing to do is ask your chid what it feels like to them. Each person responds different and knowing what to expect can help in dealing with it. For example if throwing up is common (sadly this is).avoid eggs! For breakfast stick with toast, milk, mint tea (mint tea saved my tummy 1000 times) and other foods that settle the tummy. If passing out is an issue then eat bacon eggs sausages a high protein breakfast (if you don’t eat meat spinach omelets and a fruit shake with protein powder works good) so the body is running on a full tank! Everyone is different so talk without judgment and it makes dealing easier
Posted By Sydney
- Oct 14, 2016
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