Learning and Understanding Shakespeare
Hello, future students
Shakespeare is a form of old english. A few things I'll suggest if you're new to this: study a particular speech/ monologue that you like, underline words you don't know, look them up, define them in the proper context, read it out loud alot. The word curse may have a different meaning in the peice, than you think it does, sometimes it's spot on. In addition, to this know what's happening in your scene, the before, the after and the relationship you have with other characters. This becomes extremely important if you are to audition/or your cast in a play. A tool that can be of benefit to you: Coles Notes on Romeo and Juliet, will guide to the exact line number and meaning. Coles notes exsist for most of his plays. You must know what your talking about.
Posted By Althea
- Jul 10, 2018
- #english10-1 #english10-2 #english20-1 #english30-1