Understand What You're Reading
Sometimes it can be hard to pay attention to what you're reading, especially if you have a lot to read or have other things on your mind. One tip I use all the time is to have a physical marker like a bookmark that I place under the line of text I'm reading and move it after each line. It helps me to pay attention to each sentence and not get distracted or lost in the text and have to reread it.
Posted By Megan
- Jul 14, 2016
- #biochemistry393 #biology20 #biology30 #chemistry20 #chemistry30 #chemistry351 #chemistry353 #english10-1 #english10-2 #english20-1 #english30-1 #english30-2 #esl #essaymarking #french #introductorybiology #introductorychemistry #languageartsgrades7-9 #readingcomprehension #readingwritinggrades1-6 #science10 #science20 #science30 #sciencegrades7-9 #socialstudies10-1 #socialstudies10-2 #socialstudies20-1 #socialstudies20-2 #socialstudies30-1 #socialstudies30-2 #socialstudiesgrades7-9 #spellingandreadinggrades1-6